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FRP Jalaram Bapa Statue

FRP Jalaram Bapa Statue

30000.00 INR

Product Details:


FRP Jalaram Bapa Statue Price And Quantity

  • 30000.00 INR
  • 1

Product Description

The FRP Jalaram Bapa Statue is 12 inches and has 2-3ft dimensions. It is straight, glossy, and white. In addition to this, the material used FRP makes it strong, tensile, and environment friendly. The FRP Jalaram Bapa Statue has a long-lasting life and does not have any scratches and blemishes. This statue can be cleaned with a muslin or cotton cloth to remove dirt and dust from the surface. It is available in different colors, shapes, and sizes.  
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  • 50
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  • 200
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